EasyJet Traveller - July 2009
Puglia Rocks - word jo caird
-The place to be seen
Situated in the heart of Ostuni, Puglia's most charming hill town and hugely popular spot for both Northern Italians British tourist, Riccardo Caffè is the place to be seen. Ideal for a chilled-out early evening aperitivo, after dinner it is transformed into a quirky lounge bar that spills out into the cobbled, labyrinthine streets of Ostuni. The building that owner Riccardo Semeraro bought 10 years ago was far smaller than the one we see today. Taking the 13th-century flour mill as inspiration, he dug further into the hillside. creating a series of intimate cave rooms that allow privacy in the midts of the bar's party atmosphere. The minimalist interior design makes excellent use of lighting an the modern futniture contrasts with the ancient rock walls of the baR. As well as Milan's fashion set, clientele includes the actors Sebastiano Somma, Valeria Marini and Ezio Greggio, who come to mingle, savour the fresh fruit cocktails and enjoy the resident and visiting DJs
Citizen Couture
Premio "pagine di vita"
Giugno 2013- In Giappone
Special to AD - August 2006
Special to Corriere della Sera
Buona Puglia magazine
GQ- Gentlemen's Quarterly-August 2007
Special to "Gazzetta del mezzogiorno"
Special to TRAVEL - July 2006